

Olive Cotton | Rachael Ireland | Leila Jeffreys | Katrin Koenning | Deb Mansfield | Stacy Mehrfar | Kurt Sorensen | Jeroen Toirkens. 

Alluding to a climate of change and the action of moving, Transfer examines the ambivalence of transitory processes and the experience of being in-between. 

Tis exhibition presents photo-media works by seven global artists who consider themes such as migration, nomadism and environmental changes. The exhibition questions the concepts of home and belonging in relation to our idea of place as an ultimate and definite prospect. Implicitly conceived in response to the ACP’s state of transition during 2016, Transfer ultimately interrogates our abilities to adjust and locate ourselves within evolving contexts.

Read the curatorial essay by Claire Monneraye here

Exhibition Details
ACP Gallery, 16 April – 15 May 2016

Government Partner

Teaching & Learning Resource

This resource for teachers, parents and students explores a diverse range of photo-media practices. It is aligned with the Australian curriculum for Visual Arts and considers the artists’ use of subjective, cultural, structural and postmodern frames.